25 Sep – Malaysian director Tunku Mona Riza has revealed that her next film will be about Malaysian Paralympian Ridzuan Puzi. After winning the Most Promising Director award at the 29th Malaysian Film Festival (FFM 29) last Saturday, 23 September, for her film "Redha" (English title, "Beautiful Pain"), the 50-year-old director announced that her next film will also be of similar social theme but a different genre. "InsyaAllah, if everything goes well, my second film would be about Ridzuan Puzi, our Paralympian who won gold medal at the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio," said the director.
Though no contract has been signed yet, the film is already in script development stage and the director is currently in talks with several local investors. According to the director, the film will be a biography about Riduan Puzi's (full name Mohamad Ridzuan Mohamad Puzi) life, from when he was young, to the moment he became a Paralympics gold medalist. "I've already met Ridzuan and his family, and they are aware of my intentions to make this film. If all goes well, the filming will start early next year," she added. Apart from winning Most Promising Director, "Redha" also won Best Actor via Nam Ron, Most Promising Actress via June Lojong, and Best Child Actor via Harith Haziq at FFM 29.
"This win means a lot to me. First and foremost, even though the film has travelled everywhere, there's nothing like winning in your own home ground. It's a different feeling altogether," said Tunku Mona on her win. When asked who she thought was her biggest competitor in the category, she mentioned "Pekak", as the movie also brings awareness to a serious social issue. "Redha" previously won two awards at the World Premieres Film Festival Philippines. The Best Female Actress via June Lojong and a Special Jury prize.