Local celebrities advise netizens to #StayAtHome

Local celebrities advise netizens to #StayAtHome

 Among the celebrities who are advising Malaysian netizens to stay at home.
Among the celebrities who are advising Malaysian netizens to stay at home.

24 Mar – As the COVID-19 pandemic reaches critical level in Malaysia, the government has enforced a Movement Control Order (MCO) starting from 18 March until the of the month.

Even though the whole MCO duration is only approximately two weeks, there are still certain individuals who still refuse to obey government's order to not leave home except for necessities.

Due to this, local celebrities have decided to raise awareness among netizens to cooperate in order to stop the disease that has caused thousands of deaths.

Browsing through social media, the hashtag #StayAtHome has already gone viral as a reminder for all to stay home as a way to curb the spread of the disease.

"I would like to advise everyone to please stay at home and don't go out to meet your friends during this critical time. Please don't be selfish," said lovely actress Nur Fazura.

"To all Malaysians, your wellness, safety and health are in my prayers. We can together help the government and the community to stay put at home," said versatile actor Bront Palarae.

"We have to imagine that if we were to be infected, we don't want to spread it to other people, especially our loved ones and the older folks," said actor Jehan Miskin.

"I just want to advise everyone to please stay at home and take care of your safety," was the short and simple reminder from actress Tiz Zaqyah.

"We should be responsible people, stay at home and spend time with the family, as well as take care of our health," that was the advice from petite actress Sharifah Amani.

"May this virus go away forever. Be a responsible person and stay at home," actor Iedil Dzuhrie Alaudin advises.

"Please don't go out of your house for these two weeks. This is to stop coronavirus from continue spreading. Take care, everyone. We take care of each other," that was the reminder from actor Tony Eusoff.

"If you're bored at home, we're bored too but there are a lot of interesting and fun things that you can do while at home," said actress Yasmin Hani, who also listed down several activities that can be done while being quarantined at home.

(Video Source: Nur Fazura, Rosana Musa & Jehan Miskin Instagram)

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