22 Mar – Filmmaker Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth is set to make her Hindi directorial debut in an upcoming project by producer Meenu Aroraa of "Jhund" fame. In a report released by Times of India, the upcoming film is titled "Oh Saatchi Chal", and will be based on a true love story that made the headlines a few years ago. The news was also confirmed by Meenu, who stated, "Yes, its true, but I can't talk much about the project right now, it's at a nascent stage. We are in the process of scripting right now and then we will finalise the cast."
The director, who is the daughter of famed Superstar Rajinikanth, had since confirmed the news via Instagram, writing, "My week couldn't start better... excited, happy and feeling truly blessed to announce my directorial debut feature film in Hindi "Oh Saathi Chal", an extraordinary true love story, produced by @meenuaroraa9 @c9pictures @archsda #NeerajMaini n thank you @balu_munnangi for being a part of this project... pre-production in progress." It is noted that Aishwaryaa, who made the news earlier this year for her divorce from actor Dhanush, had just recently recovered from COVID-19 and was working on her new song, "Musafir" when she had to be hospitalised again due to fever and vertigo. Her last directorial effort was the 2017 documentary, "Cinema Veeran".